With generous support from the United States Institute of Peace and the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, the Religious Peacebuilding Toolkits are a two-year initiative seeking to produce four toolkits on conflict analysis and mapping of the religious sector; mediation for/by religious actors; religiously-inspired reconciliation, and gender. The series will offer background and guidance on various dimensions of religious peacebuilding for secular and faith-inspired organizations and actors to better understand the role of religion in conflict and engage religious resources, leaders, and institutions in peacebuilding in their local contexts.
Salam Institute is developing the toolkits through a multi-step consultative process involving subject matter experts, as well the Network of Religious and Traditional Peacemakers and its members in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. In year two, it is hoped the project will lead to pilot workshops based on the toolkits and the production of online modules.